The kick off meeting was held at the Crotone Chamber of Commerceto start the development of the Master Plan for the development of the Port.
For the first time, the Port Authority invests with the CCIAA of Crotone a budget for the joint editing of a study that also represents the basis for the approval of the new Port Regulatory Plan.
The President of the Chamber of Commerce Alfio Pugliese has announced the signing of two agreements with the Port Authority: one for the preparation of the Master Plan and the other for the joint presentation of european projects.
This important collaboration serves precisely to pursue a bottom-up consultation with all the stakeholders, hence the presence during the meeting of the Studio Majone & Partners to which the Chamber of Commerce of Crotone, together with the Port Authority of Gioia Tauro, has entrusted the task of drafting the Master Plan.
In the Port of Crotone, in fact, there will be activities of different organizations that, on this occasion, will have to plan useful solutions to the criticalities of the Port of Crotone, in particular: pollution and reclamation, internal and external fillers; the construction of works at sea necessary to break the mistral wave that interferes with the operations of entry and exit from the New Port; the approval of the Regulatory Plan of the Port of Crotone.
So finally we see the reconversion, reclamation and development phase of the Crotone port infrastructure on the horizon, which will probably lead to the drafting and approval of planning tools in the course of 2019, first of all the new Port Regulatory Plan, expected from decades.
Speriamo bene…. Crotone merita seriamente un vero e concreto sviluppo.
e così facendo sarà da traino e hub per l’intera fascia jonica da Gallipoli, Taranto, passando per Policoro e Sibari, fino a Roccella e giù in Sicilia con Siracusa, Catania e Taormina.